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Information Links Center

How To Get A Copy Of Your Accident Report

Jefferson Regional Medical Center

Sexual Assault Response Team - SART

Emergency Department 636.933.1111

The Emergency Department offers multiple services to victims, such as: Patient Advocacy available 24/7 by a trained S.A.R.T member.


MOVANS will tell you if an offender is in jail and will give you other important custody information. MOVANS will also let you leave a phone number where you want to be called automatically when that offender is released, transferred, or has a change in court date.


The Missouri Statewide service includes offenders in county jails and Missouri Department of Corrections facilities, and court event notification.

DO NOT depend only on MOVANS or any other single program for your protections. Make MOVANS part of your safety plan.

Custody status notification includes release, escape and transfer.

Callers may also choose to register to receive an automated call about upcoming court dates. The offender will not know you are registered with MOVANS.

Call 1-866-5-MOVANS

National Victim Automated Notification System

Register for the Missouri No Call List

There are currently over 2.7 million Missouri phone lines registered on the No Call list.
Signing up is simple and can be accomplished by clicking the “No Call” logo or by calling 1-866-662-2551

Missouri Attorney General Identity Theft Site

MOAG Identity Theft Web Page
The Attorney General’s Office has set up a hotline to help you recognize and report identity theft. Complaint investigators also will help advise victims of identity theft.