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Herculaneum Fire Department

Herculaneum Fire Department

The Herculaneum Fire Department is located in Herculaneum, Missouri, in Jefferson County approximately 30 miles south of St. Louis and is included in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. In the center of the Heartland, Herculaneum encompasses 4.5 square miles with a population of 4,912 according to the 2022 US Census.

Mission Statement

The Herculaneum Fire Department is organized to provide public safety services to the citizens and visitors of this community. As a team we will strive to minimize losses and suffering by applying all of our professional knowledge and resources. We will accomplish this mission through fire suppression, rescue, code enforcement, public education, fire investigation and professional development training. It is our number one priority to provide the best fire service to all citizens and visitors to our great city.​


Through a tradition of integrity, compassion, and valor, yesterday’s fire department labored to build an unprecedented public trust in this honorable service. Armed with those values, and augmented with knowledge, tomorrow’s Herculaneum Fire Department will be on the cutting edge that carries that hard earned confidence for years to come.​​