Trash and Recycling

Trash Collection

All collections dates will be moved forward one day when a national holiday occurs on a collection date. New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

To change the size of your recycle or trash totes or request an additional tote, call Waste Connections at 636-321-2100

Any questions or concerns regarding trash service, please call Waste Connections Call Center at 636-321-2100 or email:

Yard Waste Collection

Bulk Item Collection

Recycling Information

Acceptable items

  • Cardboard
  • chipboard (cereal, cake & food mix boxes, gift boxes, soda & beer carrier cases),
  • Pizza Boxes (minor food residue is ok, no crust or pieces), etc.
  • Glass bottles and jars (clear, brown & green)
  • No window glass, dinnerware or ceramics
  • Aseptic packaging & gable top containers (milk & juice cartons)
  • Tin & Steel Cans including empty Aerosol cans and containers.
  • Aluminum food & beverage containers: cans, bottles, aluminum foil, aluminum food trays
  • Newspaper, including inserts,
  • Brown paper bags,
  • Office, computer, notebook, gift wrap paper (no metal clips, spirals or binders),
  • Carrier stock (soda and beer carrying cases),
  • Junk mail & envelopes, telephone books,
  • Paper back books (no hard cover books)
  • PETE – soda, water & flavored beverage bottles
  • HDPE – milk & juice jugs, detergent & fabric softener containers, etc.
  • PVC – narrow neck containers: health & beauty aid products, household cleaners, etc.
  • LDPE – grocery containers: margarine tubs, frozen desert cups, etc.
  • PP – grocery containers: yogurt cups, syrup & ketchup bottles, etc.
  • Plastic resin narrow neck containers
  • Also accept, plastic buckets like kitty litter containers
  • Basically, any plastic that has a number inside the “Chasing Arrows” recycle logo.
  • Styrofoam items are NOT accepted


  • Bathroom waste,
  • Food scraps,
  • Kitty litter,
  • Styrofoam,
  • Wet waste (garbage),
  • Plastic toys/sporting goods,
  • Electronics or batteries,
  • Hazardous chemical containers,
  • Compact discs or DVD’s,
  • Yard waste,
  • Plastic bags (return to grocery or other retail stores)
  • Motor oil bottles,
  • Insecticide, herbicide or hazardous chemical containers.

All collections dates will be moved forward one day when a national holiday occurs on a collection date. New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

To change the size of your recycle or trash totes or request an additional tote, call Waste Connections at 636-321-2100

Any questions or concerns regarding trash service, please call Waste Connections Call Center at 636-321-2100 or email:

City Hall is open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. 

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