Public Works Department

The Herculaneum Public Works Department oversees the city’s entire infrastructure, including streets, water distribution, and wastewater collection and treatment. This vital work is carried out by a team of thirteen employees, led by Public Works Supervisor Mark Johnson.

Public Works Department

Waste Water Treatment

Public Works FAQs

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining streets, parks, cemeteries, storm drainage, and assisting with various city infrastructure tasks.

The department maintains 21.28 miles of streets, with plans to care for more as the city develops.

  • Street Department employees maintain city streets, parks, and cemeteries. They also handle snow removal during winter months, street signage, animal control, and storm drainage issues.

The Water Department is responsible for distributing water purchased from the Jefferson County Water Authority, maintaining water line infrastructure, and managing water storage tanks.

City residents and commercial customers use approximately 550,000 gallons of water a day. The city has a storage capacity of 1,050,000 gallons in its three tanks.

Waste Water Treatment employees maintain sewage collection lines, treat wastewater, and manage pumping stations throughout the city.

The Waste Water Treatment facility, constructed in 2007, utilizes an oxidation ditch type plant to treat approximately 280,000 gallons of wastewater daily by infusing oxygen into the water.