Animal Control

Registration of Dog/Cat is now available through the mail

Send completed application, copy of veterinarian vaccination and $5.00 check or money made payable to:
City of Herculaneum
1 Parkwood Court
Herculaneum, MO 63048.
Your animal tag will be forwarded to you at the address given on the application.


(636) 492-1610 or

The Bi-State Wildlife Hotline is available for callers in Missouri and Illinois. This free service is available for Citizens calling in regards to any species of wild animal in need. Information, assistance, and local contact information to address their specific concern and circumstances is available. The hotline is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

The Wildlife Hotline was put together by a group of wildlife rehabilitators in the Missouri and Illinois area to offer citizens free advice and assistance with wildlife conflicts. We have specialists that are located in Missouri and Illinois, from many different counties, and who are knowledgeable with mammals, birds of prey, songbirds, reptiles, waterfowl and all domestic animals vs. wildlife conflicts.

The Bi-State Wildlife Hotline was created to address a variety of wildlife issues: