Water user deposit must be made. Residential meter deposits are $50.00 if you own the home and $100.00 if you are renting the home.
An occupancy inspection must be made by the City Building Official prior to moving in. The fee is $30.00 and must be paid before inspection can be done.
Pets must be kept on a leash or in a fenced yard.
All pets are required to have a city tag. There is a $5.00 charge for tags, and proof that the animal has had its rabies shot is required. Tags run from July 01, to the following June 30.
House numbers must be affixed to the house and be visible from the street.
Taxes on real estate and personal property are included in your tax statements from the Jefferson County Collector of Revenue. The office is located in Hillsboro, Mo. 63050. Taxes are due by January 1st of each year. Any questions regarding tax statements should be directed to their office at (636) 797-5555.
Tampering with water meters and fire hydrants is prohibited.
There is a night depository located near the front entrance to City Hall.
Severe Weather Safety Information
Herculaneum has an Early Warning Storm System. The system has two recorded voice messages and warnings. There is a monthly test of the system on the third Monday of every month at 10:00 AM.
Warning System Signals:
Constant wail - Tornado Warning
Intermittent Blasts - Severe Storm Warning
All storm warnings and tests are accompanied by loudspeaker voice announcements.