Herculaneum Police Department

Herculaneum Police Department

The department is introducing a tiered response policy to manage different types of calls effectively. This means:

  • For non-urgent matters, such as minor thefts or animal complaints, officers will prefer to take reports over the phone. This helps manage resources better and keeps both the public and officers safe.
  • In situations that pose a higher risk or are of a serious nature, like domestic assault or crimes currently happening, officers will still respond in person. They may ask those reporting the incident to step outside their homes to communicate, ensuring everyone’s safety.
  • The department is also temporarily halting its routine attendance at medical or fire incidents unless their presence is specifically requested. This is to focus on more pressing police matters.
  • Decisions on how to respond to each call will be made by the officers in consultation with their supervisors, ensuring that the most appropriate action is taken for every situation.
    The community is encouraged to use phone reporting for non-emergencies to minimize in-person contact. However, in an emergency, calling 911 remains the necessary and immediate course of action.

The department is committed to adapting these measures as needed and will keep the public informed of any further updates. Remember, for any emergency, always dial 911. For other concerns that require police attention but are not urgent, please use the phone reporting system provided by the department.

Mission Statement

More than ever, the City of Herculaneum needs responsible men and women who can meet the challenges of a growing community with confidence and nurture all its people with compassion. The members of the Herculaneum Police Department must include those who think critically and resolve to stand for what is right and just. Our members shall remain committed to attaining the highest of professional standards, remain loyal to their Oath of Office, strive for individual and team achievement, enforce the laws fairly, equally and impartially, and pursue quality of life in every neighborhood. Dedication is a way of life for our Police Officers, always serving to protect and protecting to serve the community, understanding value of life, and living by those principles instilled through experience and education.

Emergency - Dial


Non-Emergency Dial
