
Money Scams

Wiring money or sending gft cards is like sending cash: Once it's gone, you won't get it back. That's why you should never wire money or send gift cards to someone you don't know or someone who claims to be calling or emailing you on behalf of a loved one or friend. No legitimate business will ask you to wire money or send gift cards as payment. Give no personal Information whatsoever to these callers

Not even if they say they are the Police or someone else of Authority

For additional information or to check for scams follow this link to the Federal Trade Commission web site

Tips to Prevent Identity Theft

Stay informed on how technology affects crime trends, and keep yourself safe from high-tech crimes. According to the U.S. Postal Service, there were almost ten million incidents of identity theft in the United States in 2004 at a cost of $5 billion to consumers.
Victims report spending 30 hours, on average, cleaning up after an identity crime at an average cost of $500. It’s in the newspapers every day and on the news every night. People worry that someone will run up charges on their credit card or fleece their bank account while their back is turned. There is reason to worry. All a thief needs is your Social Security number to commit identity theft. This crime is relatively easy to commit, but investigating and prosecuting it is complex and time-consuming. But once you know the facts and some preventive measures you can take, you can win the fight against identity theft! Identity thieves commit their crime in several ways:


The FBI Child ID App: A Free Tool to Help Keep Kids Safe

The Child ID App provides parents and caregivers with an easy way to electronically store pictures and vital information about their children in case they go missing—whether it’s a toddler wandering away at the mall or a teen who has been snatched by a stranger.
Using the app, you can show pictures of your kids and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security or police officers on the spot. You can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with a few clicks. The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few crucial hours after a child goes missing.

Download the free app for iPhones from the iTunes store or for Android on Google Play.