PUBLIC NOTICE: You’re Invited!

Community Meetings with Open Houses

EPA is hosting four separate events about protecting communities from lead hazards at Superfund sites in historic mining areas. We hope you can attend one!

Join EPA and partner agency representatives to ask your questions and learn about:

  • EPA’s updated guidance for lead in soil
  • Site cleanup progress and gather informational materials
  • Signing up for residential yard and water well testing and/or cleanup

At 6 p.m., EPA and partner agencies will be available to meet and talk with community members. At 6:30 p.m., EPA will deliver a presentation, followed by an Open House event format for community members to visit with the site team and ask questions until 8 p.m. The format for all events will be identical.

EPA is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodations for the Open House, including translation into a language other English, please contact EPA.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact EPA at or 913-551-7186

Learn more at: