12th Annual Herculaneum Veterans Day Parade

NOVEMBER 3rd 2024


(Joachim Ave. starting at North Main St. – ending at William C. Haggard City Park)


Hot Dogs, Chips and Water provided – 555 Joachim Ave.

The AMVETS Post 42 invites all military Veterans, active-duty personnel, service organizations, auxiliaries, and families and friends to participate in the parade. Participants are encouraged to register a float, decorated vehicle, a walking unit or other type of decorated entry. Emergency vehicles and first responders are also invited to participate.

The line-up for the parade will be from 1-1:30pm at the Senn-Thomas Middle School on North Main Street in Herculaneum. The parade will begin at 2:00pm at the intersection of North Main Street and Joachim Avenue and end at William C. Haggard City Park. We invite you to join us at the AMVETS post (555 Joachim Ave.) after the parade for the Veterans Day Ceremony. Hot Dogs, chips, and water will be available.

Be sure to invite your family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and co-workers to view the parade and show their support.

If you have any questions about the parade or need additional information, please call Amanda at

(314) 956-6639 or email: amvets.ladies.42mo@gmail.com

Please join us in showing support and gratitude to our Veterans and active-duty military!